- スキルを活用{かつよう}して目標{もくひょう}を達成{たっせい}する
achieve a target through applying skill 意味
- "achieve a sustainable friendship" 意味
- "achieve a sustainable level of" 意味
- "achieve a synthesis" 意味
- "achieve a target" 意味
- "achieve a target solely through humanitarian aid" 意味
- "achieve a task" 意味
- "achieve a tranquil state of mind" 意味
- "achieve a transformation in the way that" 意味
- "achieve a transition to education based on" 意味
- "achieve a target" 意味
- "achieve a target solely through humanitarian aid" 意味
- "achieve a task" 意味
- "achieve a tranquil state of mind" 意味